Thursday, September 15, 2005

So you're living in the Valley...

I had my first real moment of "I don't live in a big city anymore" yesterday.

John and I went to cellone to get me a cell phone - one that, you know, doesn't have a Georgia line. Our rep was great - very helpful, very informative, very nice. I, however, was a big baby. Why? Because I found out I couldn't use my previous phone, the one I have from Georgia, because of some technology jargon that's over my head. But it's such a pretty phone (here's the whining). It has a keyboard and fun games and all these neat little features. This phone and I have been good friends for over a year. And now we have to part ways.

We're not in Kansas anymore... and we're not in Atlanta anymore either!

Lest you worry about my poor self, I have begun to come to grips with my new phone. It's prettier than my previous one, so that's something.

You really do learn something every day - I had no idea I was that attached to my old phone until I found out I couldn't keep using it.

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